Summer News: Voter Education Campaign and September Meeting

may 30 meeting
The vision of our founding volunteers is moving forward!

Bike Walk Greenville received our 501(c)3 status from the IRS in July.  We can now accept tax exempt contributions from our supporters! (Click here if you would like to contribute)   Attorney Bo Campbell from the Horton Law Firm deserves a big thank you. Bo donated his services for preparing our lengthy IRS application.

We are having the next meeting of our Steering committee on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at Noon– which is open to anybody who wants to help our efforts.  The meeting will be held at the Y Metro Office Conference Room, 723 Cleveland Street 29601.

The Greenville County sales tax for roads referendum that goes to the voters on November 4, 2014 is an unprecedented opportunity to improve our pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and we need to organize to help pass this initiative.

As previously reported after Council passed the resolution on June 3, 2014, the pedestrian amenities include 101 separate projects at a total estimated cost of $48,223,630 which is not an insignificant amount of investment!

Citizens for a Better Greenville County have conducted a poll of likely voters where they found about one third of voters firmly support the sales tax, one third are solidly against the tax, and one third are in the middle and need to be convinced to vote yes.

At the September 3rd meeting we will be forming volunteer committees that will brainstorm our marketing messages and methods to reach the voters.  Our best chance for winning at the polls is to make sure those people who solidly support investments in bike walk infrastructure go to the polls and vote yes!

We look forward to Bike Walk Greenville supporters to join us in working to get this measure passed.

If you want to help, but cannot make the September 3rd meeting please contact

Under IRS rules we cannot spend more than 20% of our annual budget in lobbying efforts for this ballot question.  We can however provide non-partisan education about the referendum with no limit on these efforts.

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